007 Zig-Zag chair | paper model kit

007 Zig-Zag chair | paper model kit
1:16 scale paper model of
Zig-Zag chair
designed by Gerrit Rietveld, c.1932
laser cut paper parts flat packed, in a postcard size plastic bag, together with an assembly
instruction and information of the chair.
size / 112 x 156 mm
weight / 15 g
Detailed assembly instruction is here.
Zig-Zag chair
Designed by Gerrit Rietveld, c.1932
Oak with brass fittings
Primarily an architect, Rietveld also designed several important and iconic pieces of furniture, such as the famous Red-Blue chair of 1923, the Crate furniture of 1934, and the aluminium chair of 1942.
Rietveld’s startlingly minimal Zig-Zag design from 1932 is an exercise in purity of form. He said that it wasn’t a chair, rather ‘a little partition in space’. He was clearly pleased with it since, from 1933, he used the design in many of his architectural models of interiors for clients.
There were various prototype attempts, since being constructed simply from four rectangles of solid wood joined at difficult angles created significant structural challenges. There was a bent plywood version which tended to break, and a version with iron reinforcements on the sides. In the first production version made by Metz & Co., which we have used as a pattern, the almost right-angle of the back was joined with dovetail joints, whilst the acute angles were bolted and glued together with reinforcing fillets in the corners to add structural stability. Perhaps part of the appeal of the design is its apparent fragility.
There were later variations with arms and even an upholstered seat, as well as a lounge chair version.
The interior in which the chair sits is inspired by Rietveld’s beautiful and revolutionary Schröder House, designed in 1924 for Truus Schröder, and situated in the Dutch city of Utrecht.
Zig-Zag chair in Cassina website
Schröder Houes website
リートフェルトは1923年の『Red-Blue』や 1934年のクレート家具、1942年のアルミニウムの椅子など、前衛的で時代を象徴するデザインを数多く残した建築家です。
4つの矩形が繋げられた形はシンプルですが、そのぶん構造的には難しく、成形合板で一体化したものや木の内部に金具を埋め込んだものなど、いろいろな補強のバージョンが試されてます。この紙模型で参照しているのはオランダのMetz & Co.社から最初に発売されたタイプで、背と座は鳩尾継ぎ、鋭角の継ぎには補助部材が内側から貼られ、ボルトも使われて加重を支えています。この、座っても大丈夫?と一瞬躊躇するような外見が、魅力のひとつであることは間違いありません。
The following images are our test prototypes of models.