1:16 diorama
1:16 diorama
When you complete a 1:16 room and a chair, you may think of something or someone to place in it. Here we suggest simple ways of making a picture scaled to 1:16.
If you are able to use Illustrator or equivalent software, please go to instruction 1.
If you would enjoy a more manual way to make your diorama, then go to instruction 2.
そこで、画像をこの縮尺に合わせる簡単なやり方を紹介します。イラストレーターなどのソフトを使う方はinstruction 1へ、マニュアルなやり方を好まれる方は、instruction 2へどうぞ。
instruction 1
Download attached file and open it with your software, check if the size of paper is A5 (148 x 210 mm). Then bring the cropped image into it to place on the ground, level with the base line. Adjust image by reducing or enlarging, until she/he matches the measurement on the left, or compares to the line drawing of sample people.
上記添付のpdfファイルをダウンロードして、お手持ちのソフトウェアで開き、A5サイズ(148 x 210 mm)になっているか確認してください。そこに、クロップした人物の画像を持ち込み、縮小または拡大の操作で左のスケールの高さや人物像を参考に、大きさを調整します。
In the sample above, as the man is bending for the camera, the top of his head is set at around 1.2m and is matched to the scale on the left. Now you print this out on A5 paper, add a backing card for self-standing strength, cut out along the outline and place the figure in the room. The result is at the bottom of this page, a diorama for a Father’s Day card in the Butterfly chair set.
instruction 2
In this instruction, you do a similar process manually. First of all, download the pdf file and print it out on A5 (148 x 210 mm) paper and check if the 1:1 scale is correct to your normal ruler.
Print a photo, measure it to find out the percentage for the scale to fit 1:16 and use a photocopier to reduce or enlarge the image.
When you think the scale is correct, add a backing card for self-standing strength, cut out along the outline and place the figure in the room. The result is below, a diorama for a Father’s Day card in the Butterfly chair set.
You reach here, and if thought ‘what is this chest of drawers holding the message card?’ – well, here you can download a pdf file, to print on A5, cut out and make your diorama more three dimensional.