010 Well Tempered chair | paper model kit

010 Well Tempered chair | paper model kit
1:16 scale paper model of
Well Tempered chair
designed by Ron Arad in 1986
laser cut paper parts flat packed, in a postcard size plastic bag, together with an assembly
instruction and information of the chair.
size / 112 x 156 mm
weight / 15 g
Detailed assembly instruction is here.
Well Tempered chair
Designed by Ron Arad, 1986
Tempered steel, bolts & nuts
Made from four sheets of tempered steel, folded into shape and bolted together, this sculptural chair was one of the pieces exhibited at Arad’s renowned workshop/showroom One Off, where his experiments in unconventional, urban and artistic ways of creating space were realised. It was produced in the Vitra Edition series until recently.
Arad came to London from Israel in 1974, to study at the Architectural Association. Nigel Coates and Zaha Hadid were students there at the same time. Turning his hand to furniture and interior design, he started the design shop/studio One Off in 1979, together with Dennis Groves, in Sicilian Avenue in Holborn. A number of his early designs used the proprietary Kee Klamp joints to construct tubular furniture such as the Rover Chair. In the early 80’s he moved One Off to Covent Garden, and shortly after parted company with Groves. There were elements of recycling and ready-made in his works, such as the Moped seat in the Puch Stool, and the Aerial Light. Industrial materials such as concrete were used in pieces such as his Tree Light and concrete Hi-Fi.
His products and the One Off shop caused quite a sensation at the time, and there was talk that Arad had redefined furniture design. Initially producing his own designs, he later began to collaborate with manufacturers such as Vitra, who produced the Well Tempered chair, and Moroso for The Big Easy series.
Today Arad is known worldwide and his design practice is very wide ranging. He has also returned to Architecture with a number of projects, including what will be the tallest building in Israel. His early One Off pieces are very sought after by collectors and fetch substantial prices at auction.
We would like to say a big thank you to Ron Arad for his kind permission to use the design for our product, forwarding us the data, as well as showing us his early paper models:
建築家でありデザイナーのロン・アラッドが、1980年代に時代を反映し革新的な空間をデザインする試みを続けたスタジオ「One Off」にて製作した家具のひとつで、スプリングの効いた「練金」鉄板をボルトで留めて成形されます。座るとしばらく弾みを感じたのちに心地よい角度に落ち着くこの椅子は、近年までヴィトラ社の「Vitra Edition」シリーズとして製造されました。
イスラエル生まれのロン・アラッドは1974年にロンドンに来てAAスクールで建築を学びました。ナイジェル・コーツやザハ・ハディードなどもAAスクールに在籍していた時期です。卒業後に家具やインテリアデザインを始めたアラッドは、ホルボーンの地下にスタジオ「One Off」を構え、ローバー車のシートを再利用した椅子「Rover chair」をはじめとするオリジナルの家具の販売を始めます。のちに、まだ倉庫街だったコベントガーデンにスタジオを移し、コンクリートや工事現場の足場の素材などを使った斬新なデザインを発表しました。
One Off スタジオとアラッドの作品はデザイン愛好家たちを喜ばせ、最初はスタジオで自ら作っていた作品も、徐々にクライアントを得て製品化されます。ウェルテンパードチェアは、初めて家具会社から依頼を受けてデザインされたプロダクトでした。「依頼を受けて工場を見学したけれど、そこにあるどんな機械でも作れない手仕事のテイストを残したデザインにしたかった」と、当時を振り返ってアラッド氏が話してくれました。
今日では、世界中のクライアントに多岐にわたるデザインを提供するロン・アラッド&アソシエイツですが、原点の建築にも戻り、イスラエルで一番高いビルが現在建設中です。彼がOne Off時代に手掛けた家具は、オークションでは軒並み高額の落札がある、人気の高いビンテージとなりつつあります。
Interior for the Well Tempered
The background of this paper model is referring to the original interior of the One Off shop, when it was in Covent Garden, London in the 1980s. The entrance door was a reclaimed London bus door and the White wall around it is shutters.
この紙模型の背景として参照したのは、ロンドン中心部のコベントガーデンにあった1980年代のOne Offスタジオのインテリアです。コンクリートの床は赤みがかった色に塗られ、バスの扉を再利用したドアと、その両側は壁ではなくシャッターでした。