Secret of "Flat-to-3D" - 2: self standing
平面が立体になる秘密 – その ➁ 自立
When a piece of paper is standing on its own, a little miracle happens and you recognise a space around it. This is the second stage of a paper diorama. As they were flat at the beginning - sent out to deliver their message wider - often they are advertising a merchandise. When the recipient transforms it into a standing object, it sparks a joy!
外形線を切り取られた紙が、すっくと自立すると、、、小さな魔法がかかって周りに空間が生まれる - これがペーパージオラマの第2ステージです。広告媒体として作られた印刷物は、最初はフラットで運びやすくたくさん配られ、受け取った人が立体にする時にふわっと楽しくなる、その瞬間が重要です。
This is a mascots of a stove polish - and is policing the copy of their product - 'Look out for Imitations'. It must have been a competitive market for stove polish in New York, and profitable enough to hire a designer. When this dog is standing, a picture of their product is visible behind the police helmet.
The next ones are German cats, advertising washing starch. They must have handed out a lot - I found the brown one in a jumble in the UK and silver one in an antique market in Japan. They are made by two die-cut parts glued together. They were displayed where housewives and washing ladies were working, cheering them up and selling many boxes of washing starch.