‘Tate Edit’ debut special

‘Tate Edit’ debut special
Three bags – Tate’s shopping bag and 2 more
designed by Jasper Morrison.
Free download from the link below.
Download the PDF file and print it out on A5 card;
thickness 200 gsm
Heavy Weight Cartridge Paper
Cut out the bag you like, and hang it on the wall hook.
Some of our 1:16 paper models, which include Jasper Morrison’s Plywood chair, are now displayed and sold in a new shop called ‘Tate Edit‘ at Tate Modern, London. This was curated by Momoko Mizutani of Momosan Shop – one of the first retailers of 1:16.
Here we would like to celebrate the debut of the Plywood chair paper model where the original chair was shown in the recent ‘Thingness’ exhibition – by adding tote bags to the Plywood chair paper diorama. Three bags – Tate’s shopping bag and 2 more designed by Jasper Morrison.
1:16紙模型のシリースが、Tate Modernの中にできたTate Editという店で売られています。これは、Tate Editのキュレーターに指名された水谷桃子さん(Momosan Shop主宰)がセレクトした商品の一部で、10月末までショップに並びます。
このデビューを記念して、Tateとジャスパーモリソン氏のトートバッグを1:16のジオラマに足すプロップスを作りました。ダウンロードしてA5サイズの厚紙(200 gsmぐらいが最適です)にプリントして切り出し、背景のフックに吊るしたり椅子に掛けたりしてください。